Monitoring Molly - 3 weeks to go!
We had a sonogram this morning to see if we could estimate the size of Miss Molly. The doc said that she was 6 lbs, 15 ounces...approximately, "give or take a pound". The "give or take a pound" comment quickly became "give a pound" when her belly measured in and around the 95th percentile. So basically, we're looking at about 7 lbs, 15 ounces, with a pound a week until delivery. I'm not that great at math, but I'm thinking that gives me at least a 10 pound baby!
Everything else looked great. We could see the hair on her head waving back and forth on the screen, so apparently she's not bald like Ben and Grace were!
And even though I'm still only 2 cm's dilated and 70% effaced, Dr. Durland assured me that although things sounded the same, they were different! (She said the baby seemed a little more head down and ready than last week...unless she was trying to make me feel better!)
Tomorrow we head to the St. Patrick's Day parade in downtown Lawrence, so look for more to come then!
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