Monday, March 23, 2009

Monitoring Molly...2 Weeks Left!

So, this past week I walked. I walked to Gracie's friend's house. I walked to Juice Stop with Brandon. I walked to the Dollar Tree and Sears with Grace. I walked down by the river with Brandon. Then I walked up what seemed like Mount Everest, but it was really just a giant hill at Clinton Lake. And this week's stats? Very little progression.

2 cm's dilated, 80% effaced. All that walking for a measly 10%! Molly's heart rate was good though, and we're counting the days until we meet her. The hospital has apparently been quite busy this March and they're expecting a lot of babies in April. So, our April 5th induction date? We may get bumped! We'll see! Maybe she'll arrive on her own.

Here's a picture of me on top of "Mount Everest".

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