Friday, March 6, 2009

And the frog has left the pond...

Mrs. Kelly has a pond and each student has a frog with his or her name on it. When a student is not following directions, is being disrespectful, or breaking the rules, their frog leaves the pond. Grace is known in her class for being one of the few whose frog has not left the pond. I've even had parents of other kids in the class say things like "Oh, you're Grace's mother. You must be so proud! My son says her frog never leaves the pond!"

Well that all changed this week when Mrs. Kelly called out several kids who were talking during quiet time. After moving a few frogs and taking some recess time, she still heard a single voice above the rest. "Who's still talking?" she asked. Gracie slowly raised her little hand. Mrs. Kelly had to do a double take...."Grace?" The class went quiet. And then she was asked to move her frog out of the pond. As she walked over to the door to move her frog, her classmates "oohed" and "ahhed" in shock. Sure, Grace told the truth, did her time, and her frog eventually went back to the pond. But news spreads fast. By the time the bell rang, I had a parent who works in the building stop by my office as well as a visit from two teachers and an email from a parent, all saying "We heard Grace's frog moved out of the pond today!" Grace's reply after I asked her about it? "I'm not talking about it!"

Well, we certainly are!

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