Saturday, September 27, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Well, we did it! We're home sweet home on Sage Brush Drive. After several stressful days leading up to the closing, we are happy to say that we feel right at home now. Thanks to everyone who helped move boxes, paint rooms and trim, bring food, and provide moral support! You can't really see it in this picture, but our URBAN rock is also at home in our new front yard.

In other news, we're in the second trimester now and will plan to find out the gender of this little baby in November! You know we have no patience and can't wait! Grace and Ben are playing soccer. Gracie starts Daisies next step before Brownies and two steps before Girl Scouts. We still get to sell the cookies though! Brandon is in an all-day softball tournament today. The kids spent the night at Nana and Papa's last night and are off to the pumpkin patch with Mama and Papa today. I joined the church choir and we practice tomorrow! Life goes on, eh? Here are some pics from the move.

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