Tuesday, September 9, 2008

8 days left!

Wow, we only have 8 days left until the big move! My sister has informed me that we haven't updated our blog in forever, which would suggest that we haven't had anything much to blog about.. but I'm thinking we've been pretty busy! Soccer has started, so that's two games and two practices a week. Gracie will begin Girl Scouts next week (although she's considered a Daisy until 2nd grade). I have class at KU on Tuesdays and a Zumba dance class on Mondays, and Brandon has been busy with work, softball, and golf! We've been packing in our spare time and Brandon deserves an award for the best husband of the year. I've been sick so he's been stuck with a lot of extra stuff around the house. I love you Brandon! My first trimester will be coming to an end in a couple of weeks, so hopefully things will improve! Anyway, that's all from the Urban life for now.

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