Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm starting with super cute pictures of our children, because I'll be ending on some not so cute pictures of me. So here is Molly in her new hat (spit that binky out!). I can't believe she'll be ONE in a few weeks. She's almost walking but chooses to sit down and stand up like she's dancing but won't take a step.
There is a picture of Ben in his suit for Stacey and Clinton's wedding next month. He is working on a science project with the help of Brandon. They are seeing what effects coca-cola has on various things. He has also mailed his "Flat Stanley" to Carrie and Rob in Phoenix so we'll see what they come up with. (oh, the sites to see in AZ! I wish I was there)
Dazzlers, Dazzlers, Dazzlers! Whooo! That's Gracie's chant at her dance competition last month. Believe it or not, they won several trophies! She is now working on being a Munchkin in an OZ dance routine. She is also working on her science project that involves trying out different nail polishes and seeing how long they last before they chip - her idea, no kidding.

And now...what you've all been waiting for, what you're all wondering I'm sure....WHAT IS STEVENS-JOHNSON SYNDROME and why does Julie have it when the chances are 1 in 1000?
For those who are faint of heart, do not read on, because I have included pictures to show you my case is NOT as bad as the ones you see on websites. So here is my brief synopsis so you do not go to those websites.

(my leg)

S-J Syndrome is a serious and sometimes fatal medical condition commonly caused by an allergic reaction to drugs, in my case, the increase in Lamictal, which most of you know is my mood stabilizer. (I was just feeling better too when it was yanked away from me cold turkey!) The disease process for Stevens-Johnson Syndrome typically begins with a nonspecific upper respiratory tract infection. (had that!) Early symptoms occur in the first 1- to 14-day period during which fever, sore throat, chills, headaches and malaise may be present. (had that too!)Vomiting is sometimes noted in the early symptoms. Skin and mucous membrane lesions can develop abruptly with clusters of outbreaks lasting from 2 to 4 weeks.
(my arm)

In my case, I have several lesions, big and small, on my legs, back, chest, arms, and feet. They feel very much like burns and I HATE taking showers! I am unable to eat because it has entered my GI tract and I throw up every time I eat. I slur my speech because my tongue is enlarged. I've been to several doctors to confirm what I have, and spent nearly a whole day in the ER getting extra fluids through an IV and an MRI because my gait was off and I was having trouble seeing. (all due to SJS) So, here are the pictures if some of you are interested. If not, turn off your computer! The leg is the worst -that's what doctor's are watching the most. The others we're hoping will fade!
(my stomach)

(my leg lesion) OUCH! (my stomach)

1 comment:

Pat Sinclair said...

Julie and Brandon- hang in there. You've had a tough year but imagine Molly's turing one already! Wow. I loved the photos of the kids, Julie's sores not so much. You're in my prayers. Love, Pat