Friday, December 25, 2009

A White Christmas


It has been a long time since we've had a white Christmas in Lawrence! This one makes up for them all. The terms "Winter weather advisory" and "blizzard conditions" do not even come close to what we encountered last night! By the time church let out around seven p.m., the snow was blowing so hard that we couldn't walk to our cars with our eyes open! My parents and my sister and her family came over from Overland Park last night just as it had begun to sleet. We were able to make it to church safely, and after a quick dinner, and a record-speed present opening, they headed home in the middle of the blizzard. Thankfully, everyone made it home safely.

We celebrated Urban Christmas on Wednesday night. It had rained all day...there was even thunder and lightning throughout the day. It's been a tradition that Santa Claus visits Mama and Papa's house and drops off presents in the trees and all around the yard. This weather didn't stop Santa! Instead, he was able to sneak into the house while we were eating dinner and leave a scavenger hunt for the children. They followed clues around the house, finding presents along the way, and eventually ended up in a twinkle-lit garage with a pinata! Needless to say, it was quite an experience that the children will not soon forget.

Some of the highlights included:

-Since we were snowed in today, we spent the day playing Mario Kart on the wii; digging for dinosaur bones; making Paperoni animals; putting together Molly's Fisher Price toys; building Lego Star Wars ships; playing Pokemon Diamond, Petz Nursery, and Tinkerbell on the DS; playing Guess Who and Connect Four by Four; eating leftovers, learning about our new Canon PowerShot camera; petting the FurReal Kitty and getting our own real kitty out of the Christmas tree; watching A Christmas Story marathon, and spending quality time together as a family!

-The stockings were full, but what was most memorable? Ben got a comb and some hair gel in his stocking this year. Grace got a loofah. Oh how times have changed.

-Molly got a boppy penguin (a penguin that bobbles back and forth). It is currently hidden in her closet, where it will remain until she can overcome her intense fear of this toy! The poor child is terrified.

- Brandon and I hid the presents in the trunk of the car this year. (Some of you may remember that we hid them in Molly-to-be's room last year and we pulled the door handle off!) Well, this year, it was not until 10:00 last night that we discovered that the trunk was frozen shut. After unfreezing the doors enough to pull the car into the garage, we poured pitcher after pitcher of steaming water onto the trunk. Eventually it opened, and we hurried to wrap presents until nearly midnight.

We are so thankful for all of the blessings in our lives. Merry Christmas from our family to yours.

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