Saturday, June 20, 2009

Girl Scout Camp

Last week, Grace went to Girl Scout Camp at Camp Hidden Valley. Her daisy troop was one of the youngest, but definitely had the most energy! Camp was from 8:45 to 3:00, Monday through Friday. The first day, it poured down rain and we found ourselves in the middle of a thunderstorm...right during drop-off time. There was Grace...first day of camp, sporting a pink hat, lime green rain boots, and a clear poncho. She looked at me with her big, brown eyes, and said "Mommy, do I have to get out of the car?" Two older Girl Scouts opened the car door and encouraged Grace to join them. Grace started to move towards the door, only to find that she had buckled her poncho into the seatbelt. Stuck in the car, terrified of the storm, and worried about what was to come, Grace began her week at Hidden Valley.

When I picked her up that afternoon, the clouds had parted and the sun was shining....and so was Grace. Her little blond head bobbed up and down during the closing ceremony and I could hear her chattering with other Daisies. She ran up to me and said "Mommy, I learned the coolest song today!" And my years as a Girl Scout all came rushing back to me as she sung the tune over and over. "Down by the banks of the hanky panky, where the bull frog jumps from bank to bank..." She had a fabulous day at Girl Scout Camp.

The next four days were the four hottest days of the summer. Although she nearly melted out there, Grace still managed to get the "Happy Camper" award.

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