Thursday, February 12, 2009

A story from Grace....

So the other night, we were driving home from Megan and Barry's house and Gracie says "Mommy, are there real crosses in Lawrence?" We were listening to Christian music on the radio so I wasn't surprised she had brought up crosses, but what came next was definitely one for the books. "Real crosses? Sure, there are real crosses everywhere," I explained. "Mamma has crosses on her wall, you have a cross in your bedroom, etc." Grace pondered that for a moment and then said "No, Mommy, REAL crosses." I said, "What are REAL crosses?" She replied "The big, giant wooden ones that are in the ground!" I thought for a moment and said "Well, sure, I suppose there are real crosses in Lawrence. Why?" Grace thought for another moment and said "Well, then you and me, Mommy, we can go get a ladder and put our sins on the cross!"

I smiled and said, "Gracie, do you know what sins are?" She said "No, but I know we have to nail them to the cross!"

1 comment:

Megan said...

What awesome singers! We should start a children's choir at church!