Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is this heaven?

Apparently, this is what heaven looks like at Lawrence Heights Christian Church. It's believable, until you see that my child is an angel! Ben and Grace had their annual Christmas program at church this weekend, and just like it has done in years past, things went surprisingly well! Ben even remembered his lines once he found the microphone. (There was a what-seemed-like-forever-moment when he couldn't locate a mic so he refused to start the scene for everyone else)

As you can see from the pictures, Ben played an angel. I was worried when his halo kept breaking during practices...seemed a bit ironic to me, but he actually played the part well. Grace played a shepherd, although she knew everyone else's solos by heart and would have done well in the lead!!! Here is a good picture of Grace as she struggles to untangle her staff from another shepherd's!

What else? I am at home resting this week, which I'm finding it more difficult to do! Why is it when I can't rest, I want to, and when I'm supposed to, I can't? But for the baby's sake, I am spending a few days at home. We have a sonogram scheduled for Monday and that will hopefully tell us that things are A-OK! The baby has been moving non-stop. She is probably bored from my inactivity. Brandon has been so helpful..doing laundry, making breakfast, lunch, and dinner, taking the kids to and from school, and answering my every whim. We also have the Thomas and Betts holiday party at our house this weekend, so he has been preparing for that as well. Parents and friends have been a big help as well.

This weekend, I am singing in the church Cantata. It's 200 pages of non-stop singing. We'll perform it at a retirement community and then in church on Sunday. I wonder if anyone will notice if I sit down during the songs? No, I'm sure it will go smoothly, even if I am a nervous wreck!

Tomorrow, I have an ornament exchange with Megan, Julia, and Keri. We were supposed to go to Paisano's, but since I'm "resting", I think dinner might come to me! My friends are awesome!!

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