Saturday, August 2, 2008

VBS comes to an end

Vacation Bible School came to an end last night. Here are the kids performing "Calling All Heroes". Brandon helped our friend Barry build the boat. Everyone but Megan thinks it would be a great addition to their backyard!

After six days of VBS, the week ended with a family fun night. Although we were under a heat advisory, we all seemed to have a lot of fun outside after the show! (Set-up was not as much fun!!!)

Gavin, Ben, and Grace enjoyed games, ice cream, and a balloon artist. Here are a few pics from the evening. Thanks to Sarah for standing in line forever to get those special pirate balloons. :)

1 comment:

Megan said...

Sure, make me look like the bad guy - not wanting a boat in my backyard. You failed to mention to your readers that the boat, though built sturdy enough to hold many "pirates", is made partially out of cardboard. Last time I checked, cardboard and the outdoors do not agree.